An initiative to secure Pakistan's cyber space from upcoming cyber threats
Information is one of the basic and fundamental pillars of knowledge based economies and during the last decade there is exponential increase in nature and volume of information contained and processes by digital systems. ICT acting as enabler, can result in improved governance, assistance and services as well as economic integration, improved living standards, narrow the digital divide, and improve government services utilization and management. Increase in the use of communication technologies for connectivity, mobility and versatility exposure to the digital assets to cyber threats. Traditional information security techniques may work in isolation but with increased connectivity systems are exposed to increasing vulnerability. Procurement of ICT based assets has been priority but now the security of the acquired assets along with the data generated or processed is equally important. As KP advances in to the digital era, the need for a level Cyber Security framework becomes crucial. This Cyber Security framework shall not only ensure maximum security but shall also ensure maximum availability.
Trained human resource is the fundamental to address the challenges of cyber security. There has been number of training programs and degrees offered across Pakistan to address some of the aspects. Most of the training programs are offered as higher education degree programs; however there is a dire need to educate our young graduate with the rapidly evolving Cybersecurity body of knowledge.
To address provincial & national CyberSecurity challenges KPITB has established KPCERC , which aims to build capacity by leveraging expertise and skills in domains of cyber security. KP CERC aims to train skilled human resources, contribute towards empowering the government departments across KP along with industry by providing advisory in the cyber and information security area. Empowering the government departments of KP with technology support is fundamental by establishing and leading the Cybersecurity framework for the province along with establish Security Operation Centre (SoC) & Cyber Emergency Response Team (CERT) & guidelines for Cyber Emergency Incidence Response (CSIR). KPCERC is mandated to ensure the health and quality of digital application and services & digital assets used, managed or deployed by the government departments across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. KPCERC is accomplishing these by designing a KP Cybersecurity framework.
Human Resource Development

Cyber Security Certifications

Government Support

To enable and empower Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Cyber Security and its affiliated domains through awareness, trainings and technical assistance for mitigating the risks associated with digital transformation in order to ensure a safe cyber space for the citizens.
KP CERC - 2 days bootcamp on ethical hacking at Durshal Mardan