Network Penetration Testing
Objective Course is designed to give hands on exposure to tools & technologies used for Network penetration testing. Course aims to train the participants with concepts and practical to carry out network penetration testing. Objective of the course is to train the individuals who are interested in pursuing the carrier as network penetration testing and network auditors. Course includes intermediate to advance concepts, tools & technologies used in network security assessment. Contents include demonstration of network architecture and advance networking concepts. Network scanning tools, vulnerability assessment for networks, application of known network testing tools & assessment frameworks, exploiting network & system vulnerabilities & working with APT and security issues with wireless networks.
- Network Architecture
- Types of Network Scans
- Using of Network Scanning tools
- Vulnerability Assessment for Networks
- Network Protocol Vulnerabilities & Network Sniffing
- DHCP Attacks, ARP Poisoning
- Network Spoofing
- Usage of Network Testing Tools
- Nessus , GFI Languard & Nexpose
- CoreImpact & WebInspect
- OpenVAS & Nikto
- Exploiting Systems and Servers
- Using Metasploit & BeEF
- Working with Exploit-db
- Gaining Preliminary Access to Systems & Pivoting
- Active Directory & Browser Based Attacks & Network Escalation
- Malwares and Advanced Persistent threats
- Trojans, Wrappers, Crypters & APTs Overview
- Protocol Based Trojans
- Using RATS, IDA pro
- Analysis of Darlloz, Zeus & Neverrequest
- Cracking Wireless Networks
- Wifi Attacks, Using Wireshark, Wifite, Air cracking and Pixie WPS
- Countermeasures of Wifi hacking
- Bluetooth Based Attacks, Bluejack
- MITM Attacks