Cyber Security Awareness for Government Departments
To sensitise the government departments on the importance of cyber security and impact of data breaches. Create awareness on cyber security, importance of information security management for government departments. Course discusses the type of attacks on CIA, nature of exploits and mitigation techniques. Course outlines the security policies and risk mitigation plans. Course also introduces GDPR as possible framework of data protection for government departments.
Course Content
- Cyber Security for Government Departments
- ICT for Governance
- Nature of Applications
- Impact of Growth on ICT on Governance
- Information Security Management
- Definitions
- Terms &
- Objectives of ISM
- Data Classification
- Types of Attack on CIA
- Nature of Exploits & Mitigations
- Information Breach & Risk Management
- Nature & Types of Data Breach
- Impact of Data Breach
- Security Policies
- HIPPA Compliance, PCI-DSS & US Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
- Best Practices & GDPR
- Regulations & Impact
- Data Classification & Management
- Controller & Processor
- GDPR Requirements
Basic (2/5) , Follow up course with hands on skills
6 Hours
Class Room+ 1 hour Tools overview (80% Theory , 20% Practical)
Government Department employees, IT personals
On Request or Invitation only
Certification of Participation